Sunday, March 22, 2009

The End

Some closure on this Monday-After-Spring-Break Eve...

I made a cute little To-Do list at the beginning of the week. Here it is if you're interested. Know me at all and you won't be shocked to learn that I didn't get to everything on my list. The important stuff (read: fun and/or easy)-- I did.

The most important thing I wanted to do was at the end of my list. It was to be still before the Lord. What I meant by that was not so much praying or reading or studying. Mainly, I wanted to make a purposeful effort to shut-up, listen, look, and wait. I can honestly say that I made myself accessible to God this week and did He ever speak! There were no "signs" or revelations of impending disaster. It was just an awareness of the Glory of God in each moment. Abiding in the Lord is a sweet, sweet thing. I highly recommend it!

In conclusion, I challenge all the teachers out there to get your happy-pants on and press on to the prize...Summer. Ha.

Spring Break, we bid you farewell and good night.

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog! And your new title and background. I think I fixed mine!
