This is Lilly. I am praying for her this afternoon as she is visiting a doctor (oncologist) to get some answers about a tumor that was found in her leg. Will you join me?
Lilly is in the 3-year-old class that I help teach at our church on Sunday mornings. She is a little burst of sunshine. The sweetest thing Lilly does is that anytime we ask a question, no matter what it is, she always answers with an emphatic, "JESUS!" So in keeping with Lilly's example, my prayer is that no matter what uncertainty, no matter what questions may arise for this sweet family that the over-powering answer for them will always be JESUS.
Lord--please cover this family in your grace today. Fill Miss Lilly with courage and strength as she goes to the doctor. Give mom and dad peace and courage as well. I pray that you will show yourself strong to all who are watching and waiting. We are trusting you! Amen.
***Update--Yesterday at the doctor's office they re-did Lilly's X-rays and did blood work. The orthopedic, radiologist and oncologist could not diagnose. Lilly will have an MRI Monday and another appointment on Tuesday with oncologist. Please keep praying if you will--that all will cling to God's grace for each day--He is in the waiting. Thank you, sweet friends! I will keep you posted on Lilly.

Keelie, I saw something on fb about some results, but not sure what it was. I am still praying for Lilly and Lara and family. Beautiful post for a beautiful girl!