Sunday, December 14, 2008

Keeping Christ in Christmas

As I was driving to Sherman yesterday, I noticed several "Keep Christ in Christmas" billboards and I began to ponder this sentiment. It's a good one...or one with good intentions. A response to the secular world's attempt to downplay--if not obliterate Christmas--the Keeping Christ in Christmas campaign, I fear, has become more about pride and a sense of entitlement than about honoring Christ. I think about if Jesus were here, would He be making a big stink when the Target employee wished him "Happy Holidays!" rather than "Merry Christmas!" as he left the store? I think not. Am I saying that Christians should not stand up for our rights? Absolutely not. It is simply the attitude, the motivation, and the desired outcome of our actions that I believe we need to examine.

If we want to keep Christ in Christmas, let's make an extra special attempt to be Christ to the people around us. Rather than complaining about the annoying politically correctness of the "holidays," let us share the reason we celebrate with someone who doesn't have a reason to celebrate. Let us become the hands and feet of Jesus and provide for the copious needs that surround us. As a public school teacher, may my words and actions throughout the year reflect Christ so that even though I can not explain to my students why I celebrate Christmas, the SPIRIT of Christmas will still be in my classroom. Let us keep the attitude of Christ in our hearts and on our tongue all season long... Let's do keep Christ in Christmas.


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