Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm thankful for snuggling.

Snuggling is something we like to do around here. It's really an awesome expression of love; one of my favorites. It requires a commitment. You can't do a quick snuggle. You can't force snuggling and you can't really fake it. If snuggling could talk it would say: "I don't need your words, I don't need your actions. I don't need anything from you. I just want to be near you and want you to be near me."

Snuggling. Yep, its pretty great.

1 comment:

  1. Love snuggling! As my children age (now 11, 15 & 18) and they outgrow some of our old activities, I'm thankful that when they go to bed, they still like me to spend time with me snuggling and talking.

    That is, when I am wise enough to make the time to do so... Thanks for the reminder of just how precious this is!
